Need words that are going to sell/ convert/ dazzle/ pop/ sway?
Allow me.

“Let me live, love, and say it well in good sentences.”

- Sylvia Plath



I brush up other people’s copy to make it sound and look better. I write original works. I edit all forms of content. I’m a fan of the Oxford comma.
The following are a few people I have written or edited for.



Proud AWC graduate

I’ve held a variety of professional writing and editing positions in advertising, marketing, and journalism, delivering everything from socials copy to full-length features. My poetry has been published with The Cordite Poetry Review and I’ve written content for blogs, websites, and online/print businesses.

I have also edited content ranging from manuscripts and plays, to blogs, bios, and web pages.

I’m based in Australia, but available for work globally.



Born in Adelaide, I’ve lived in Melbourne on and off for the better part of 15 years. I spent some years living and writing in Morocco and gained my degree in Professional writing and Editing from Melbourne’s RMIT University. I have a Cert. IV in Literature and studied UX and copywriting with the Australian Writers Centre. I also write and perform music.